Maximize Profits with a Complete Back Office Solution

Save time, maximize profitability, and simplify inventory management with TouchBistro Profit Management Powered by MarginEdge.

TouchBistro Profit Management on a laptop screen on a table in a restaurant
Woman holding an iPad while speaking on the phone

Continuously Update Your Food Costs with Digital Invoice Processing

Simply scan, email, or take a photo of your invoices and handwritten adjustments, and all the details will be captured and digitized in less than 48 hours to give you an up-to-date picture of your food costs.

Simplify Stock Management with Inventory Automations

Track food costs and pinpoint waste more accurately with a digital inventory management system that updates prices daily.

TouchBistro Profit Management UI Screen

Maximize Your Margins with Recipe Management and Menu Analysis Tools

Make menu adjustments and maximize profitability in real time with a centralized solution that calculates plate costs, automatically updates ingredient prices, and pinpoints profitable and high-volume items.

TouchBistro Profit Management Feature

Track Profitability in Real Time to Make More Informed Business Decisions

Monitor costs and make more informed financial decisions with visual budget tracking so you always know whether you’re over- or under-spending.

TouchBistro Profit Management UI Screen

Easily Order Products from Any Vendor and Manage It All from a Centralized Platform

Streamline back office operations with the ability to order products from any vendor directly through the software and manage your order guides from a central location.

Additional Profit Management Features Include…

Eliminate Manual Data Entry with Direct POS Integration

Generate powerful reports that help you better manage your bottom line with automatic nightly imports of your sales and labor data from the TouchBistro POS – no manual entry required.

Save Money on Processing and Transaction Fees with Unlimited Bill Payment (U.S. Only)

Pay an unlimited number of bills – via check, ACH, or VCC – without any processing or transaction fees with the only bill payment solution built specifically for the restaurant industry.

Reduce Errors by Syncing Your Data Directly with Your Accounting Software

All invoices, payments, sales, and inventory entries are coded automatically and exported directly to your preferred accounting software for a quick, easy, and error-free transfer of data.

Ensure Consistency Across Multiple Venues with Advanced Multi-Location Management Controls

Streamline multi-location management and ensure consistency across all your restaurants with one centralized, privacy-protected platform that allows you to standardize inventory management across locations and access consolidated sales reports.

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Product Guide

Want to learn more about TouchBistro Profit Management?

Download our full list of product features.


TouchBistro Profit Management is currently available to restaurants in Canada (excluding Quebec) and the United States.

No additional hardware is required.

TouchBistro Profit Management pulls TouchBistro POS sales and labor data into the platform on a nightly basis.

Once onboarding is complete, it’s recommended that you maintain a consistent upload of new invoices and take an inventory on a consistent weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis for the system to automate valuable insights around pricing, usage, and waste for your team.

Yes, you can order online from any vendor directly through TouchBistro Profit Management.

New products are automatically added to inventory sheets and prices are updated daily.

When taking inventory, counts are auto-saved every 30 seconds. If you lose internet connection in the middle of a count it will not auto-save, but it will continue auto-saving when you reconnect.

Simply scan, email, or take a photo of an invoice and the details will be captured and digitized in less than 48 hours to give you an up-to-date picture of your food costs.

Resources for Simplifying Your Back Office Operations

The best way to keep your profit margins healthy is by running a more efficient back office. From inventory to bookkeeping, invoicing, and more, get tips for more efficient back office management with these free resources from the TouchBistro blog.

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United States license form
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See TouchBistro Profit Management in Action

An iPad with the TouchBistro Software opened